Retro-Post® with vertical keep left sign blade

Product Number: 8055

Retro-Post® with vertical keep left sign blade

Product Number: 8055


The flexible rubber sign post that’s virtually ‘indestructible’! Over time the Retro-Post® provides a return on investment that far outweighs the installation of traditional steel sign posts. After 9 impacts the Retro-Post® still keeps providing ongoing service. Steel posts continue to cost both in replacement costs and installation costs. The choice is obvious.


  • Constructed using a ‘high grade’ rubber compound and RPS’ unique patented technology
  • Flexible and ‘self returning’ – fully recovers from MULTIPLE vehicle impacts
  • Able to be retro-fitted to traditional sign brackets or alternatively the sign can be directly mounted to post with screws
  • Reduces damage to vehicles
  • Quick and easy system to install
  • Provides 24 hours per day continuous guidance and direction
  • Reduces impact force and potential injury to cyclists and motorcyclists
  • Eliminates potential injury to roadside installation crews
  • Reduces the costs associated with the continuous replacement of traditional steel hardware


Technical Data

Height 1220mm
Diameter 60mm
Weight 5.5kg


  • Constructed using a ‘high grade’ rubber compound and RPS’ unique patented technology
  • Flexible and ‘self returning’ – fully recovers from MULTIPLE vehicle impacts
  • Able to be retro-fitted to traditional sign brackets or alternatively the sign can be directly mounted to post with screws
  • Reduces damage to vehicles
  • Quick and easy system to install
  • Provides 24 hours per day continuous guidance and direction
  • Reduces impact force and potential injury to cyclists and motorcyclists
  • Eliminates potential injury to roadside installation crews
  • Reduces the costs associated with the continuous replacement of traditional steel hardware



Socket Mounted:


  • Electric drill and screws

Socket Mount Installation Step 1

Socket Mount Installation Step 2

Socket Mount Installation Step 3


Surface Mounted:


  • Electric drill and drill bit to suit surface
  • Fixing bolts
  • Extension socket

surfacemount 1

surfacemount 2

surfacemount 3


Spike Mounted:


  • Mallet to drive in spike
  • Electric drill and screws




Butyl Pad

Suitable for all surface mounted products: Guide Posts, Work-zone Bollards, Flexi-Tuff® Keep Left Signs, Retro-Post®.


  • Butyl pads





1. Clean area, remove paper from one side of pad and place onto surface

2. Peel paper from other side of pad ready to place surface mount

3. Place surface mount onto butyl pad ensuring it is centred

4. Installation complete

To enquire about this product give us a call 1300 00 APAC (1300 00 2722) or simply fill out the form below.
